What is the materials business?It is said to be high added value as the best policy for a company to survive.
In this, we believe that "high added value" will provide materials that meet various needs at optimal prices and quantities. We will carefully listen to the needs of our customers, select the best materials among them, and provide them in a short delivery time.Powerful desiccants for high-performance moisture-proof packaging
Please choose according to the application.

● It is excellent in moisture absorption in the low humidity range, especially for food, electronic equipment, precision machinery, pharmaceuticals, export packing, etc., and demonstrates high effect.

● It is excellent in moisture absorption in the low humidity range of 40% RH or less necessary for corrosion prevention of metals such as export packing, electronic equipment, precision machinery, pharmaceuticals, food, etc., and demonstrates high effect.
I can easily put it on and peel it off! Micro sucker sheet